Allison King

The Phoenix Pencil Company


I'm a fullstack engineer building open source tools to make information useful at Knowledge Futures. Previously, I worked on data privacy at Ethyca and software for surfacing underheard voices at Cortico. I like building hyper specific things to solve my cat's problems.


Fides.js: a little script for a lot of privacy!

July 2023

A small script I worked on that can be inserted onto any website to handle all of its user consent needs. The script can serve a consent banner, render data use notices, delete cookies from the browser, honor GPC signals, dispatch window events, and more—all in less than 20kb!

You can see a souped up version of this running on The New York Times if you visit from the EU.

Fides.js: a little script for a lot of privacy, with Ethyca logo

A project combining paper mâché, litter bags, an Arduino, and some servo motors. For the purpose of a healthy and happy orange cat!

Paper mâché cat holding a litter bag, powered by an Arduino

I wrote about how Jimmy and I integrated Etsy sale alerts into our Discord server so that all of our friends could give some 🥳 reacts when our friend makes an Etsy sale. Just part of a series of apps built for a highly specific purpose to spark some joy :)

Discord message reporting an Etsy sale and showing a gif from Fire Emblem: Three Houses

I wrote about how we built the Digital Hearth at Cortico using a raspberry pi and a phone. Repository included so that you too can build your own raspberry pi powered IoT device!

Cortico's Hearth, a recording device powered by Raspberry Pi controlled remotely via an iPhone


I was invited to be on the Software Engineering Daily podcast to talk further about Cortico's talk radio ingest. I also got to talk about the pipeline we set up to ingest local community conversations through Cortico's Local Voices Network.

I gave this talk at the Boston Python meetup, as well as virtually to the Women Who Code Boston meetup. It wasn't recorded, but here are my slides!

I gave a talk at DataEngConf (now DataCouncil) in 2019 on some work Cortico was doing in the talk radio space. Take a listen!

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© 2019 - present Allison King. All rights reserved.